Wednesday 30 March 2011

Ideas for gorilla advertising.

We have been tasked to generate ideas for the college , for advertising purposes and attract people towards the college. I think it was supposed to be for an open day but , I misheard and thought it was advertising for the college as a whole.
for my ideas I was mainly thinking about impact and creativity to get people interested in the college or even spark an interest.
These where some of my ideas.

  • Big screen in town. To create a cracked and bleeding effect, and a puddle of the screen bleed on the floor which in the middle will have PCA. 
  • To have The college collaborate and ask the council for a patch of land or a wall which students will paint draw on to or design something for. even if its just a fence around a tree but as long as their is something publishing PCA on it. This also gets alot of areas involved and could possibly get names out their. 
  • The Black hole was another idea. to get a print or sticker of a hole as real as I can get it to look . so people will stop and look down it and it will have PCA next to it or near it. 
  • Finally this idea  was one of my original and firsts. and was to re skin bins and seats around town to look like the college's usb sticks. Depending on the budget they material can change from stick on, paper pate/poster, or a usb made of plywood to go over. 

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