Monday 21 March 2011

guerilla advertising ideas.

we went though town looking for things we could manipulate or just things to help generate ideas for ways to advertise Plymouth college of art.

while walking through town i took a few picture of things like , the bins, bench and the fountain in the middle of town.
The ideas i have came up with are . 
  • Turning the bench's and bins into the college usb sticks as to me hey are memorable and also they have all the details of the college. how this will be done I'm not to sure yet. 
  • Another Idea would be to have white foot steps leading to the college from multiple directions.
  • This idea was made by Thom and it was to have a paintbrush look made of the water fountain and the water colour dyed
  • Finally their was an idea to have something on the wall opposite of the college, which I think could be a reflection oh the college.

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